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The Mormon Test for Truthfulness

Mormons often challenge people to pray with sincerity concerning the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, citing a verse in its closing book:

Many sincere seekers fall for this ploy, being ignorant of the warnings set forth by the Bible. Nowhere does the Bible ever direct the believing Christian to take any religious book and pray about the truthfulness of its contents. While we are told to ask God for wisdom (James 1:5), the clear Biblical directive and pattern to follow includes more than this:

Why is this the better method? Because not every self-proclained prophet is from God; many present a false gospel:

How can we determine if a prophet is speaking from God? First, the prophecy must be 100% accurate. Second, the Bible says to use God's previous revelation through Biblical authors as a standard of comparison, because no new revelation will contradict God's previous words:

Even Mormon leaders advocate investigation:

Therefore, it is NOT BIBLICAL to pray about the Book of Mormon to determine its truthfulness; one must TEST what it has to say. If it contradicts what God has already revealed, it fails. If you have "gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon" by praying Moroni 10:4, then you must seriously question whether or not you have been deceived.

Why should subjective feelings be suspected? Because we are sinful creatures and can be swayed by our emotions and sinful desires:

Should you pray whether to commit adultery or steal? Of course not, because the Bible already speaks out against such sins. God has already revealed His will regarding such matters, and no amount of prayer will change that fact. No matter how sincerely you may believe otherwise, to claim that God gave you permission to steal, or commit adultery proves that you did not hear from God (1 Tim 6:3-4; Deut. 13:1-2; Deut. 18:20-22; Jer. 23:16, 30-36; Zech. 13:2-3).

To believe that something is true merely because you feel it to be so or because you are sincere in your belief does not make it true 11. Instead, the Bible warns that feelings can be deceptive and that the sincere truth-seeker must base decisions on more objective means. A standard Mormon response is to resort to the subjective. He insists that he knows the Book of Mormon is true because he has a 'burning in the bosom'. God, he claims, has proved it to him in his heart, so it can't be untrue. He may also claim that to challenge him in this way only makes him stronger in this faith. A "burning in the bosom," no matter how sincere, is no proof of historicity or authority. If evidence goes against the Book of Mormon to prove it false, then to ignore or avoid that evidence is not sincere faith but rather dishonesty and deceitfulness.

The test of Moroni 10:4 is a trick. When you are challenged, you must accept Book of Mormon as true or your integrity is placed under suspicion. If you accept the challenge (even though unbiblical) but conclude that the Book of Mormon is not from God, Mormons will say that you either did not have a sincere heart, real intent, or genuine faith; otherwise the test would have revealed positive results. According to Mormon thinking, it is not possible for their book to be wrong, so you must be wrong.

Mormons may also say that the Book of Mormon is latter-day revelation from God that supercedes the authority of the Bible. This cannot be true because written, inerrant, authoritative revelation ended with Jesus and his apostles:

This is the standard that must be used. If you investigate carefully the differences between Mormon doctrine and orthodox Christian doctrine, and compare Mormon 'scriptures' with the Bible, you will come to the conclusion that the Book of Mormon and Mormonism are not from God.



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