Prayer is related to all the gifts of grace. To character and conduct its
relation is that of a helper. Prayer helps to establish character and fashion
conduct, and both for their successful continuance depend on prayer. There may
be a certain degree of moral character and conduct independent of prayer, but
there cannot be anything like distinctive religious character and Christian
conduct without it. Prayer helps, where all other aids fail. The more we pray,
the better we are, the purer and better our lives.
The very end and purpose of the atoning work of Christ is to create religious
character and to make Christian conduct.
In the study of Paul's Epistles, there is one thing which stands out, clearly
and unmistakably -- the insistence on holiness of heart, and righteousness of
life. Paul does not seek, so much, to promote what is termed "personal work,"
nor is the leading theme of his letters deeds of charity. It is the condition
of the human heart and the blamelessness of the personal life, which form the
burden of the writings of St. Paul.
Elsewhere in the Scriptures, too, it is character and conduct which are made
preeminent. The Christian religion deals with men who are devoid of spiritual
character, and unholy in life, and aims so to change them, that they become
holy in heart and righteous in life. It aims to change bad men into good men;
it deals with inward badness, and works to change it into inward goodness. And
it is just here where prayer enters and demonstrates its wonderful efficacy and
fruit. Prayer drives toward this specific end. In fact, without prayer, no such
supernatural change in moral character, can ever be effected. For the change
from badness to goodness is not wrought "by works of righteousness which we
have done," but according to God's mercy, which saves us "by the washing of
regeneration." And this marvellous change is brought to pass through earnest,
persistent, faithful prayer. Any alleged form of Christianity, which does not
effect this change in the hearts of men, is a delusion and a snare.
The office of prayer is to change the character and conduct of men, and in
countless instances, has been wrought by prayer. At this point, prayer, by its
credentials, has proved its divinity. And just as it is the office of prayer to
effect this, so it is the prime work of the Church to take hold of evil men and
make them good. Its mission is to change human nature, to change character,
influence behaviour, to revolutionize conduct. The Church is presumed to be
righteous, and should be engaged in turning men to righteousness. The Church is
God's manufactory on earth, and its primary duty is to create and foster
righteousness of character. This is its very first business. Primarily, its
work is not to acquire members, nor amass numbers, nor aim at money-getting,
nor engage in deeds of charity and works of mercy, but to produce righteousness
of character, and purity of the outward life.
A product reflects and partakes of the character of the manufactory which makes
it. A righteous Church with a righteous purpose makes righteous men. Prayer
produces cleanliness of heart and purity of life. It can produce nothing else.
Unrighteous conduct is born of prayerlessness; the two go hand-in-hand. Prayer
and sinning cannot keep company with each other. One, or the other, must, of
necessity, stop. Get men to pray, and they will quit sinning, because prayer
creates a distaste for sinning, and so works upon the heart, that evil-doing
becomes repugnant, and the entire nature lifted to a reverent contemplation of
high and holy things.
Prayer is based on character. What we are with God gauges our influence with
Him. It was the inner character, not the outward seeming, of such men as
Abraham, Job, David, Moses and all others, who had such great influence with
God in the days of old. And, today, it is not so much our words, as what we
really are, which weighs with God. Conduct affects character, of course, and
counts for much in our praying. At the same time, character affects conduct to
a far greater extent, and has a superior influence over prayer. Our inner life
not only gives colour to our praying, but body, as well. Bad living means bad
praying and, in the end, no praying at all. We pray feebly because we live
feebly. The stream of prayer cannot rise higher than the fountain of living.
The force of the inner chamber is made up of the energy which flows from the
confluent streams of living. And the weakness of living grows out of the
shallowness and shoddiness of character.
Feebleness of living reflects its debility and langour in the praying hours. We
simply cannot talk to God, strongly, intimately, and confidently unless we are
living for Him, faithfully and truly. The prayer-closet cannot become
sanctified unto God, when the life is alien to His precepts and purpose. We
must learn this lesson well -- that righteous character and Christlike conduct
give us a peculiar and preferential standing in prayer before God. His holy
Word gives special emphasis to the part conduct has in imparting value to our
praying when it declares:
We are enjoined to pray, "lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting,"
and must pass the time of our sojourning here, in a rigorous abstaining from
evil if we are to retain our privilege of calling upon the Father. We cannot,
by any process, divorce praying from conduct.
Our Lord's injunction, "Watch ye, and pray always," is to cover and guard all
our conduct, so that we may come to our inner chamber with all its force
secured by a vigilant guard kept over our lives.
In primitive times preachers were charged to preach by their lives, or not to
preach at all. So, today, Christians, everywhere, ought to be charged to pray
by their lives, or not to pray at all. The most effective preaching, is not
that which is heard from the pulpit, but that which is proclaimed quietly,
humbly and consistently; which exhibits its excellencies in the home, and in
the community. Example preaches a far more effective sermon than precept. The
best preaching, even in the pulpit, is that which is fortified by godly living,
in the preacher, himself. The most effective work done by the pew is preceded
by, and accompanied with, holiness of life, separation from the world,
severance from sin. Some of the strongest appeals are made with mute lips -- by
godly fathers and saintly mothers who, around the fireside, feared God, loved
His cause, and daily exhibited to their children and others about them, the
beauties and excellencies of Christian life and conduct.
The best-prepared, most eloquent sermon can be marred and rendered ineffective,
by questionable practices in the preacher. The most active church worker can
have the labour of his hands vitiated by worldliness of spirit and
inconsistency of life. Men preach by their lives, not by their words, and
sermons are delivered, not so much in, and from a pulpit, as in tempers,
actions, and the thousand and one incidents which crowd the pathway of daily
Of course, the prayer of repentance is acceptable to God. He delights in
hearing the cries of penitent sinners. But repentance involves not only sorrow
for sin, but the turning away from wrong-doing, and the learning to do well. A
repentance which does not produce a change in character and conduct, is a mere
sham, which should deceive nobody. Old things must pass away, all things
must become new.
Praying, which does not result in right thinking and right living, is a farce.
We have missed the whole office of prayer if it fail to purge character and
rectify conduct. We have failed entirely to apprehend the virtue of prayer, if
it bring not about the revolutionizing of the life. In the very nature of
things, we must quit praying, or our bad conduct. Cold, formal praying may
exist side by side, with bad conduct, but such praying, in the estimation of
God, is no praying at all. Our praying advances in power, just in so far as it
rectifies the life. Growing in purity and devotion to God will be a more
prayerful life.
The character of the inner life is a condition of effectual praying. As is the
life, so will the praying be. An inconsistent life obstructs praying and
neutralizes what little praying we may do. Always, it is "the prayer of the
righteous man which availeth much." Indeed, one may go further and assert, that
it is only the prayer of the righteous which avails anything at all -- at any
time. To have an eye to God's glory; to be possessed by an earnest desire to
please Him in all our ways; to possess hands busy in His service; to have feet
swift to run in the way of His commandments -- these give weight and influence
and power to prayer, and secure an audience with God. The incubus of our lives
often breaks the force of our praying, and, not unfrequently, are as doors of
brass, in the face of prayer.
Praying must come out of a cleansed heart and be presented and urged with the
"lifting up of holy hands." It must be fortified by a life aiming, unceasingly,
to obey God, to attain conformity to the Divine law, and to come into
submission to the Divine will.
Let it not be forgotten, that, while life is a condition of prayer, prayer is
also the condition of righteous living. Prayer promotes righteous living, and
is the one great aid to uprightness of heart and life. The fruit of real
praying is right living. Praying sets him who prays to the great business of
"working out his salvation with fear and trembling;" puts him to watching his
temper, conversation and conduct; causes him to "walk circumspectly, redeeming
the time;" enables him to "walk worthy of the vocation wherewith he is called,
with all lowliness and meekness;" gives him a high incentive to pursue his
pilgrimage consistently by "shunning every evil way, and walking in the
Furthermore: obedience is the conserver and the life of love.
The gift of the Holy Spirit in full measure and in richer experience, depends
upon loving obedience:
The spirit which prompts a man to break one commandment is the spirit which may
move him to break them all. God's commandments are a unit, and to break one
strikes at the principle which underlies and runs through the whole. He who
hesitates not to break a single commandment, would -- it is more than probable
-- under the same stress, and surrounded by the same circumstances, break them
Universal obedience of the race is demanded. Nothing short of implicit
obedience will satisfy God, and the keeping of all His commandments is the
demonstration of it that God requires. But can we keep all of God's
commandments? Can a man receive moral ability such as enables him to obey every
one of them? Certainly he can. By every token, man can, through prayer, obtain
ability to do this very thing.
Does God give commandments which men cannot obey? Is He so arbitrary, so
severe, so unloving, as to issue commandments which cannot be obeyed? The
answer is that in all the annals of Holy Scripture, not a single instance is
recorded of God having commanded any man to do a thing, which was beyond his
power. Is God so unjust and so inconsiderate as to require of man that which he
is unable to render? Surely not. To infer it, is to slander the character of
Let us ponder this thought, a moment: Do earthly parents require of their
children duties which they cannot perform? Where is the father who would think,
even, of being so unjust, and so tyrannical? Is God less kind and just than
faulty, earthly parents? Are they better and more just than a perfect God? How
utterly foolish and untenable a thought!
In principle, obedience to God is the same quality as obedience to earthly
parents. It implies, in general effect, the giving up of one's own way, and
following that of another; the surrendering of the will to the will of another;
the submission of oneself to the authority and requirements of a parent.
Commands, either from our heavenly Father or from our earthly father, are
love-directing, and all such commands are in the best interests of those who
are commanded. God's commands are issued neither in severity nor tyranny. They
are always issued in love and in our interests, and so it behooves us to heed
and obey them. In other words, and appraised at its lowest value -- God having
issued His commands to us, in order to promote our good, it pays, therefore, to
be obedient. Obedience brings its own reward. God has ordained it so, and since
He has, even human reason can realize that He would never demand that which is
out of our power to render.
Obedience is love, fulfilling every command, love expressing itself. Obedience,
therefore, is not a hard demand made upon us, any more than is the service a
husband renders his wife, or a wife renders her husband. Love delights to obey,
and please whom it loves. There are no hardships in love. There may be
exactions, but no irk. There are no impossible tasks for love.
With what simplicity and in what a matter-of-fact way does the Apostle John
say: "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His
commandments, and do those things which are pleasing in His sight."
This is obedience, running ahead of all and every command. It is love, obeying
by anticipation. They greatly err, and even sin, who declare that men are bound
to commit iniquity, either because of environment, or heredity, or tendency.
God's commands are not grievous. Their ways are ways of pleasantness, and their
paths peace. The task which falls to obedience is not a hard one. "For My yoke
is easy, and My burden is light."
Far be it from our heavenly Father, to demand impossibilities of His children.
It is possible to please Him in all things, for He is not hard to please. He is
neither a hard master, nor an austere lord, "taking up that which he lays not
down, and reaping that which he did not sow." Thank God, it is possible for
every child of God, to please his heavenly Father! It is really much easier to
please Him than to please men. Moreover, we may know when we please Him.
This is the witness of the Spirit -- the inward Divine assurance, given to all
the children of God that they are doing their Father's will, and that their
ways are well-pleasing in His sight.
God's commandments are righteous and founded in justice and wisdom. "Wherefore
the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good." "Just and true
are Thy ways, Thou King of saints." God's commandments, then, can be obeyed by
all who seek supplies of grace which enable them to obey. These commandments
must be obeyed. God's government is at stake. God's children are under
obligation to obey Him; disobedience cannot be permitted. The spirit of
rebellion is the very essence of sin. It is repudiation of God's authority,
which God cannot tolerate. He never has done so, and a declaration of His
attitude was part of the reason the Son of the Highest was made manifest among
There is one important consideration those who declare it to be impossible to
keep God's commandments strangely overlook, and that is the vital truth, which
declares that through prayer and faith, man's nature is changed, and made
partaker of the Divine nature; that there is taken out of him all reluctance to
obey God, and that his natural inability to keep God's commandments, growing
out of his fallen and helpless state, is gloriously removed. By this radical
change which is wrought in his moral nature, a man receives power to obey God
in every way, and to yield full and glad allegiance. Then he can say, "I
delight to do Thy will, O my God." Not only is the rebellion incident to the
natural man removed, but a heart which gladly obeys God's Word, blessedly
If it be claimed, that the unrenewed man, with all the disabilities of the Fall
upon him, cannot obey God, there will be no denial. But to declare that, after
one is renewed by the Holy Spirit, has received a new nature, and become a
child of the King, he cannot obey God, is to assume a ridiculous attitude, and
to display, moreover, a lamentable ignorance of the work and implications of
the Atonement.
Implicit and perfect obedience is the state to which the man of prayer is
called. "Lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting," is the condition
of obedient praying. Here inward fidelity and love, together with outward
cleanness are put down as concomitants of acceptable praying.
John gives the reason for answered prayer in the passage previously quoted:
"And whatsoever we ask we receive of Him because we keep His commandments and
do those things which are pleasing in His sight."
Seeing that the keeping of God's commandments is here set forth as the reason
why He answers prayer, it is to be reasonably assumed that we can keep
God's commandments, can do those things which are pleasing to Him. Would
God make the keeping of His commandments a condition of effectual prayer, think
you, if He knew we could not keep His statutes? Surely, surely not!
Obedience can ask with boldness at the Throne of grace, and those who exercise
it are the only ones who can ask, after that fashion. The disobedient
folk are timid in their approach and hesitant in their supplication. They are
halted by reason of their wrong-doing. The requesting yet obedient child comes
into the presence of his father with confidence and boldness. His very
consciousness of obedience gives him courage and frees him from the dread born
of disobedience.
To do God's will without demur, is the joy as it is the privilege of the
successful praying-man. It is he who has clean hands and a pure heart, that can
pray with confidence. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said:
One who has been disobedient may pray. He may pray for pardoning mercy and the
peace of his soul. He may come to God's footstool with tears, with confession,
with penitent heart, and God will hear him and answer his prayer. But this kind
of praying does not belong to the child of God, but to the penitent sinner, who
has no other way by which to approach God. It is the possession of the
unjustified soul, not of him who has been saved and reconciled to God.
An obedient life helps prayer. It speeds prayer to the throne. God cannot help
hearing the prayer of an obedient child. He always has heard His obedient
children when they have prayed. Unquestioning obedience counts much in the
sight of God, at the throne of heavenly grace. It acts like the confluent tides
of many rivers, and gives volume and fulness of flow as well as power to the
prayer chamber. An obedient life is not simply a reformed life. It is not the
old life primed and painted anew nor a church-going life, nor a good veneering
of activities. Neither is it an external conformation to the dictates of public
morality. Far more than all this is combined in a truly obedient Christian,
God-fearing life.
A life of full obedience; a life settled on the most intimate terms with God;
where the will is in full conformity to God's will; where the outward life
shows the fruit of righteousness -- such a life offers no bar to the inner
chamber but rather, like Aaron and Hur, it lifts up and sustains the hands of
If you have an earnest desire to pray well, you must learn how to obey well. If
you have a desire to learn to pray, then you must have an earnest desire to
learn how to do God's will. If you desire to pray to God, you must first have a
consuming desire to obey Him. If you would have free access to God in prayer,
then every obstacle in the nature of sin or disobedience, must be removed. God
delights in the prayers of obedient children. Requests coming from the lips of
those who delight to do His will, reach His ears with great celerity, and
incline Him to answer them with promptitude and abundance. In themselves, tears
are not meritorious. Yet they have their uses in prayer. Tears should baptize
our place of supplication. He who has never wept concerning his sins, has never
really prayed over his sins. Tears, sometimes, is a penitent's only
plea. But tears are for the past, for the sin and the wrongdoing. There is
another step and stage, waiting to be taken. It is that of unquestioning
obedience, and until it is taken, prayer for blessing and continued sustenance,
will be of no avail.
Everywhere in Holy Scripture God is represented as disapproving of disobedience
and condemning sin, and this is as true in the lives of His elect as it is in
the lives of sinners. Nowhere does He countenance sin, or excuse disobedience.
Always, God puts the emphasis upon obedience to His commands. Obedience to them
brings blessing, disobedience meets with disaster. This is true, in the Word of
God, from its beginning to its close. It is because of this, that the men of
prayer, in Holy Writ, had such influence with God. Obedient men, always, have
been the closest to God. These are they who have prayed well and have received
great things from God, who have brought great things to pass.
Obedience to God counts tremendously in the realm of prayer. This fact cannot
be emphasized too much or too often. To plead for a religious faith which
tolerates sinning, is to cut the ground from under the feet of effectual
praying. To excuse sinning by the plea that obedience to God is not possible to
unregenerate men, is to discount the character of the new birth, and to place
men where effective praying is not possible. At one time Jesus broke out with a
very pertinent and personal question, striking right to the core of
disobedience, when He said: "Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things
I say?"
He who would pray, must obey. He who would get anything out of his prayers,
must be in perfect harmony with God. Prayer puts into those who sincerely pray
a spirit of obedience, for the spirit of disobedience is not of God and belongs
not to God's praying hosts.
An obedient life is a great help to prayer. In fact, an obedient life is a
necessity to prayer, to the sort which accomplishes things. The absence of an
obedient life makes prayer an empty performance, a mere misnomer. A penitent
sinner seeks pardon and salvation and has an answer to his prayers even with a
life stained and debauched with sin. But God's royal intercessors come
before Him with royal lives. Holy living promotes holy praying. God's
intercessors "lift up holy hands," the symbols of righteous, obedient lives.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was preeminent in praying, because He was preeminent in
saintliness. An entire dedication to God, a full surrender, which carries with
it the whole being, in a flame of holy consecration -- all this gives wings to
faith and energy to prayer. It opens the door to the throne of grace, and
brings strong influence to bear on Almighty God.
The "lifting up of holy hands" is essential to Christly praying. It is not,
however, a holiness which only dedicates a closet to God, which sets apart
merely an hour to Him, but a consecration which takes hold of the entire man,
which dedicates the whole life to God.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners," had
full liberty of approach and ready access to God in prayer. And He had this
free and full access because of His unquestioning obedience to His Father.
Right through His earthly life His supreme care and desire was to do the will
of His Father. And this fact, coupled with another -- the consciousness of
having so ordered His life -- gave Him confidence and assurance, which enabled
Him to draw near to the throne of grace with unbounded confidence, born of
obedience, and promising acceptance, audience, and answer.
Loving obedience puts us where we can "ask anything in His name," with the
assurance, that "He will do it." Loving obedience brings us into the prayer
realm, and makes us beneficiaries of the wealth of Christ, and of the riches of
His grace, through the coming of the Holy Spirit who will abide with us, and be
in us. Cheerful obedience to God, qualifies us to pray effectually.
This obedience which not only qualifies but fore-runs prayer, must be loving,
constant, always doing the Father's will, and cheerfully following the path of
God's commands.
In the instance of King Hezekiah, it was a potent plea which changed God's
decree that he should die and not live. The stricken ruler called upon God to
remember how that he had walked before Him in truth, and with a perfect heart.
With God, this counted. He hearkened to the petition, and, as a result, death
found his approach to Hezekiah barred for fifteen years.
Jesus learned obedience in the school of suffering, and, at the same time, He
learned prayer in the school of obedience. Just as it is the prayer of a
righteous man which availeth much, so it is righteousness which is obedience to
God. A righteous man is an obedient man, and he it is, who can pray
effectually, who can accomplish great things when he betakes himself to his
True praying, be it remembered, is not mere sentiment, nor poetry, nor eloquent
utterance. Nor does it consist of saying in honeyed cadences, "Lord, Lord."
Prayer is not a mere form of words; it is not just calling upon a Name. Prayer
is obedience. It is founded on the adamantine rock of obedience to God. Only
those who obey have the right to pray. Behind the praying must be the doing;
and it is the constant doing of God's will in daily life which gives prayer its
potency, as our Lord plainly taught:
How great and manifold are the misconceptions of the true elements and
functionings of prayer! There are many who earnestly desire to obtain an answer
to their prayers but who go unrewarded and unblest. They fix their minds on
some promise of God and then endeavour by dint of dogged perseverance, to
summon faith sufficient to lay hold upon, and claim it. This fixing of the mind
on some great promise may avail in strengthening faith, but, to this
holding on to the promise must be added the persistent and importunate prayer
that expects, and waits till faith grows exceedingly. And who is there that is
able and competent to do such praying save the man who readily, cheerfully and
continually, obeys God?
Faith, in its highest form, is the attitude as well as the act of a soul
surrendered to God, in whom His Word and His Spirit dwells. It is true that
faith must exist in some form, or another, in order to prompt praying; but in
its strongest form, and in its largest results, faith is the fruit of prayer.
That faith increases the ability and the efficiency of prayer is true; but it
is likewise true that prayer increases the ability and efficiency of faith.
Prayer and faith, work, act and react, one upon the other.
Obedience to God helps faith as no other attribute possibly can. When obedience
-- implicit recognition of the validity, the paramountcy of the Divine commands
-- faith ceases to be an almost superhuman task. It requires no straining to
exercise it. Obedience to God makes it easy to believe and trust God. Where the
spirit of obedience fully impregnates the soul; where the will is perfectly
surrendered to God; where there is a fixed, unalterable purpose to obey God,
faith almost believes itself. Faith then becomes almost involuntary. After
obedience it is, naturally, the next step, and it is easily and readily taken.
The difficulty in prayer is not with faith, but with obedience, which is
faith's foundation.
We must look well to our obedience, to the secret springs of action, to the
loyalty of our heart to God, if we would pray well, and desire to get the most
out of our praying. Obedience is the groundwork of effectual praying; this it
is, which brings us nigh to God.
The lack of obedience in our lives breaks down our praying. Quite often, the
life is in revolt and this places us where praying is almost impossible, except
it be for pardoning mercy. Disobedient living produces mighty poor praying.
Disobedience shuts the door of the inner chamber, and bars the way to the Holy
of holies. No man can pray -- really pray -- who does not obey.
The will must be surrendered to God as a primary condition of all successful
praying. Everything about us gets its colouring from our inmost character. The
secret will makes character and controls conduct. The will, therefore, plays an
important part in all successful praying. There can be no praying in its
richest implication and truest sense, where the will is not wholly and fully
surrendered to God. This unswerving loyalty to God is an utterly indispensable
condition of the best, the truest, the most effectual praying. We have "simply
got to trust and obey; there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus
-- but to trust, and obey! "
"General Charles James Gordon, the hero of Khartum, was a truly
Christian soldier. Shut up in the Sudanese town he gallantly held out for one
year, but, finally, was overcome and slain. On his memorial in Westminster
Abbey are these words, 'He gave his money to the poor; his sympathy to the
sorrowing; his life to his country and his soul to God.'" -- HOMER W. HODGE.
PRAYER governs conduct and conduct makes character.
Conduct, is what we do; character, is what we are. Conduct is the outward life.
Character is the life unseen, hidden within, yet evidenced by that which is
seen. Conduct is external, seen from without; character is internal --
operating within. In the economy of grace conduct is the offspring of
character. Character is the state of the heart, conduct its outward expression.
Character is the root of the tree, conduct, the fruit it bears."Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all
iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good
In Christ's teaching, it is not simply works of charity
and deeds of mercy upon which He insists, but inward spiritual character. This
much is demanded, and nothing short of it, will suffice."Then shalt thou call and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry,
and He shall say, Here I am; if thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke,
the putting forth the finger, and speaking vanity."
wickedness of Israel and their heinous practices were definitely cited by
Isaiah, as the reason why God would turn His ears away from their prayers:
"And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from
you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of
The same sad truth was declared by the Lord through the
mouth of Jeremiah:
"Therefore, pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry
or prayer for them; for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto Me
for their trouble."
Here, it is plainly stated, that unholy
conduct is a bar to successful praying, just as it is clearly intimated that,
in order to have full access to God in prayer, there must be a total
abandonment of conscious and premeditated sin."Whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His
commandments, and do those things which are pleasing in His
And James declares roundly that men ask and receive
not, because they ask amiss, and seek only the gratification of selfish
desires."And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so
that day come upon you unawares."
Quite often, Christian
experience founders on the rock of conduct. Beautiful theories are marred by
ugly lives. The most difficult thing about piety, as it is the most impressive,
is to be able to live it. It is the life which counts, and our praying suffers,
as do other phases of our religious experience, from bad living.IX. PRAYER AND OBEDIENCE
"An obedience discovered itself in Fletcher of Madeley, which I
wish I could describe or imitate. It produced in him a ready mind to embrace
every cross with alacrity and pleasure. He had a singular love for the lambs of
the flock, and applied himself with the greatest diligence to their
instruction, for which he had a peculiar gift. . . . All his intercourse with
me was so mingled with prayer and praise, that every employment, and every meal
was, as it were, perfumed therewith." -- JOHN
UNDER the Mosaic law, obedience was looked upon as
being "better than sacrifice, and to harken, than the fat of lambs." In
Deuteronomy 5:29, Moses represents Almighty God declaring Himself as to this
very quality in a manner which left no doubt as to the importance He laid upon
its exercise. Referring to the waywardness of His people He cries:
"O that there were such a heart in them, that they would fear
Me, and keep all My commandments always, that it might be well with them, and
with their children after them."
Unquestionably obedience is a
high virtue, a soldier quality. To obey belongs, preeminently, to the soldier.
It is his first and last lesson, and he must learn how to practice it all the
time, without question, uncomplainingly. Obedience, moreover, is faith in
action, and is the outflow as it is the very test of love. "He that hath My
commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me.""If ye keep My commandments," says Jesus, "ye shall abide in My
love, even as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His
What a marvellous statement of the relationship created
and maintained by obedience! The Son of God is held in the bosom of the
Father's love, by virtue of His obedience! And the factor which enables the Son
of God to ever abide in His Father's love is revealed in His own statement,
"For I do, always, those things that please Him.""If ye love Me, keep My commandments," is the Master's word.
"And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He
may abide with you for ever."
Obedience to God is a condition
of spiritual thrift, inward satisfaction, stability of heart. "If ye be willing
and obedient, ye shall eat the fruit of the land." Obedience opens the gates of
the Holy City, and gives access to the tree of life.
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have
right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates, into the
What is obedience? It is doing God's will: it is keeping
His commandments. How many of the commandments constitute obedience? To keep
half of them, and to break the other half -- is that real obedience? To keep
all the commandments but one -- is that obedience? On this point, James the
Apostle is most explicit: "Whosoever shall keep the whole law," he declares,
"and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.""For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the
flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin,
condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be
fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the
If any should complain that humanity, under the fall,
is too weak and helpless to obey these high commands of God, the reply is in
order that, through the atonement of Christ, man is enabled to obey. The
Atonement is God's Enabling Act. That which God works in us, in regeneration
and through the agency of the Holy Spirit, bestows enabling grace sufficient
for all that is required of us, under the Atonement. This grace is furnished
without measure, in answer to prayer. So that, while God commands, He, at the
same time, stands pledged to give us all necessary strength of will and grace
of soul to meet His demands. This being true, man is without excuse for his
disobedience and eminently censurable for refusing, or failing, to secure
requisite grace, whereby he may serve the Lord with reverence, and with godly
fear."Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into
the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in
To this great deliverance may be added another:
"If ye keep My commandments ye shall abide in My love, even as I
have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in His
"The Christian's trade," says Luther, "is prayer." But
the Christian has another trade to learn, before he proceeds to learn the
secrets of the trade of prayer. He must learn well the trade of perfect
obedience to the Father's will. Obedience follows love, and prayer follows
obedience. The business of real observance of God's commandments
inseparably accompanies the business of real praying.X. PRAYER AND OBEDIENCE (Continued)
"Many exemplary men have I known, holy in heart and life, within
my four score years. But one equal to John Fletcher -- one so inwardly and
outwardly obedient and devoted to God -- I have not known." -- JOHN WESLEY.
IT is worthy of note that the praying to which such
transcendent position is given and from which great results are attributable,
is not simply the saying of prayers, but holy praying. It is the "prayers of
the saints," the prayers of the holy men of God. Behind such praying, giving to
it energy and flame are the men and women who are wholly devoted to God, who
are entirely separated from sin, and fully separated unto God. These are they
who always give energy, force and strength to praying."Not every one which saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into
the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in
heaven. Many will say unto Me in that day, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy
Name, and in Thy Name have cast out devils? And in Thy Name done many wonderful
works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from Me, ye
that worketh iniquity."
No name, however precious and powerful,
can protect and give efficiency to prayer which is unaccompanied by the doing
of God's will. Neither can the doing, without the praying, protect from Divine
disapproval. If the will of God does not master the life, the praying will be
nothing but sickly sentiment. If prayer do not inspire, sanctify and direct our
work, then self-will enters, to ruin both work and worker.