To add to the issue, some of the traditional assumptions concerning the demographics of higher education are changing. According to The Chicago Tribune and Wall Street Journal, as quoted in The Ivy Jungle Network's Campus Ministry Update, August 2000 (, "The coming decade will see a significant increase in the number of high school graduates, as well as a projected increase in 'nontraditional' students...(only 1/6 of the nations 15 million college students fits the typical 18-22 year old stereotype)." The Wall Street Journal excerpt continues, "With an increasing amount of money flowing into online education, traditional universities have gone on the offensive, hoping to protect their share in the $250 billion market of higher education. With an increasing number of online schools such as the University of Phoenix Online or, traditional universities have their work cut out for them. Last year private industry invested nearly $3 billion in online education." As the song goes, "The times, they are a-changing."
Much of our special focus speaks to traditional higher education models, which a majority of students still choose. However, the worldview aspects of our resources may become even more relevant in a connected, virtual-education atmosphere. No matter what model is chosen, we hope it helps you or someone you know.
—Byron Barlowe, Editor/Webmaster, Leadership University
Mind Games Seminar Manual Probe Ministries Over 50% of church youth today are dropping out of church when they go off to college. Why is this? Most students are ill-prepared for the attacks they will receive on their faith. They don't know how to interact with students from other backgrounds and professors devoted to atheistic or "new age" oriented scholarship. As one anti-Christian professor from Arkansas recently remarked, "If students don't know what they believe and why they do, I'll change them." Mind Games is for high school and college students who want to approach their entire college career from a Christian perspective. It is also open to young adults, youth leaders, and parents interested in understanding and teaching the Christian faith in real world settings.
Advice for Parents: Choosing a College Dr. Ron Nash An excerpt from The Totally Useable Summit Ministries Guide to Choosing a College by Dr. Ronald Nash on ground rules for the college selection process.
Are You Doing Four Years or Life? Kevin Scoleri An article about college and Christian involvement.
Real Life: What it is and Where to find it Every Student's Choice Three testimonies offering perspective on being a Christian at college.
So You Want to Go to College Reviewed by Gilbert Meilaender Meilander reviews Choosing the Right College: The Whole Truth about Americašs Top 100 Schools, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute's guide to the campus culture and educational policy of America's most selective schools.
Winning Ideas (and a few flops too) Choosing a College, Thomas Sowell Help us post the most helpful ideas to make the college selection process easier. Tell us what works and what doesn't.
Preparing Students for College Jerry Solomon Parents are challenged to give attention to their children's intellectual preparation. Too many Christian students enter the college environment only to find their beliefs attacked. These students are in need of sound teaching that will lead them to respond to this environment.
Campus Christianity Dr. Ray Bohlin A practical guide for the Christian student to prosper in the faith at college with four principles to last a lifetime.
Learning to Love What God Loves Steven Garber, Ph.D. An eagerness for God is the foundation for success in college, says author Steven Garber.
Boundless Webzine One of the best resources for college and soon-to-be college students we've found on the Web, created by Focus on the Family. Boundless contains a relevant features section, a Resource Center with tapes, books and other resources, and regular columnists. We highly recommend Office Hours and Ask Theophilus by Dr. J. Budziszewski, author of How to Stay Christian in College. You'll find relationship and money management tips, etc.
Go here to see our past Special Focus features.