Many self-described civil libertarians (on both the right and the left) have embraced the practice of assisted suicide by Dr. Kevorkian. They see it as a necessary evil, if not a positive good, in a world where so many people suffer from irreversibly painful conditions. Surely they would deny that tolerance toward "mercy-killing" involves a slippery slope toward other forms of legalized homicide. But if we accept the premise justifying such acts, could suicide centers for the depressed, regardless of their state of health, be far behind? (People with mental problems have the same rights as those with terminal illnesses.) Americans possess enough good judgment to prevent this matter from getting out of hand, don't they? Remember that many thought the fight for abortion rights would end with the "hard cases." But now we have unlimited abortion-on-demand, at any stage and for any reason. In the not-too-distant future, maybe society will indeed look back on Dr. Kevorkian as a sort of hero. In the meantime, watch your footing on that slope, one slip could be deadly.
Mock Medicine, Mock Law Eric M. Chevlen The author considers the mercy-killling practices of Dr. Kevorkian. He argues that the doctor's "patients" needed treatment for pain and depression, not assisted suicide.
Euthanasia Kerby Anderson This article provides a brief historical, legal and biblical analysis of the issues involved in euthanasia.
The Movie "One True Thing" and Euthanasia Dr. Kenneth Simcic An overview of the legal and rhetorical issues involved in euthanasia. Some stern warnings are given as another country's experience with this practice is discussed.
Killing as Caring Critical Issues Although somewhat dated, this article reveals the bleak reality behind physician assisted suicide. This false charity of "compassion" is brought into focus.
Life, Law, and Suicide First Things Chronicles of the dangers of assisted suicide. What would be the consequences if it were made legal?
Euthanasia: Issues Tearing Our Nation's Fabric The Center for Reclaiming America Although part of a larger work that addresses other social and moral issues, this chapter provides some interesting insight on the issue.
Books in Review: Forced Exit Michael M. Uhlmann This article is a review of Forced Exit: The Slippery Slope from Assisted Suicide to Legalized Murder by Wesley J. Smith.
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