
A New Proposal

Since the advent of no-fault divorce, a legal by-product of the sexual revolution, we have witnessed almost thirty years of unparalleled divorce rates. Despite statistical variances, there is no doubt that, not only has divorce skyrocketed, but the results are devastating. Yet, cold, culturally-broad statistics are one thing. Damaged children and their often demoralized parents are quite another.

Over the last two decades or so, churches and parachurch ministries have offered marriage seminars to enrich the lives of couples and help reverse the divorce trend. But some Christians and conservatives also press for laws that hinder the easy dashing of the sacred marriage vows. The idea is that some legal teeth against divorce are necessary components of a society that still honors the institution of marriage. Recently, such proposals have been introduced to several state legislatures. Opponents argue that such laws would invoke state authority where the church alone should wield influence. All agree that divorce is an evil to be reckoned with. The question is whether legal sanctions are part of the remedy at all. Either way, should society not reconsider the importance of matrimony? What's more, how can marriages be saved, one household at a time?

No-Fault Divorce and Law:

End No-Fault Divorce?
Maggie Gallagher and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead
Will renewing the concept of fault into the law regarding marriage help or hinder the drive to lower the divorce rate? In this article both sides of the issue of ending no-fault divorce are considered.

The Marriage of Your Choice
Christopher Wolfe
The author calls for a radical legislative proposal--if for no other reason, than to foster helpful debate: "Let us amend state marriage laws so as to make it possible for a man and a woman to choose freely to enter into an indissoluble marriage. Note: possible, not mandatory."

More Articles on Marriage:

Father Facts (National Fatherhood Initiative)
A complete review of the current social science literature on fatherhood and family trends, this booklet, compiled by National Fatherhood Initiative president Wade Horn, Ph.D., emphasizes how father absence is related to our nation's most pressing social ills such as crime and poverty. This chapter covers: Attitudes About Marriage, The Decline of the Marital Relationship, Positive Effects of Marriage on Adult Well-Being and Positive Effects of Good Marriages on Child Well-Being.

Why Marriages Fail
Kerby Anderson
Syndicated radio commentator and author Kerby Anderson explores four negative risk factors that can destroy intimacy in a marriage and possibly lead to divorce: escalation, invalidation, negative interpretations, withdrawal and avoidance.

Foundation For Marriage
Dr. John Stoll
Chapter 35 of Biblical Principles for Christian Maturity.

More Articles on Divorce:

The Abolition of Marriage
Kari Jenson Gold
Review of The Abolition of Marriage: How We Destroy Lasting Love by Maggie Gallagher, a book that explores the "culture of divorce." The author asserts that the triumph of the sexual revolution is largely responsible for the current lack of support for marriage; legal, economic, and social. She is particularly concerned with the effects of divorce on children.

Divorce Trends
Father Facts (National Fatherhood Initiative)
A complete review of the current social science literature on fatherhood and family trends, this booklet, compiled by National Fatherhood Initiative president Wade Horn, Ph.D., emphasizes how father absence is related to our nation's most pressing social ills such as crime and poverty. Examines the trend in divorce: Attitudes About Divorce, The Facts About Divorce, The Consequences of Divorce, and Child Support and Child Custody.

Kerby Anderson
Documents the effect of divorce on both individuals and families, providing a biblical response.

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