And although most believe that children should not have access to sexually explicit images, this genuine concern should not distract us from the larger issue, namely, the inherent dangers of pornography itelf. And yet many people reject the notion that pornographic material is really harmful. They believe that those who argue against its use merely seek to impose their outdated sexual attitudes and norms on others. The implication is that the enlightened among us should realize that lust, the passion that fuels the pornographer's profit margin, is not a vice after all. Rather, they maintain, it is a natural and healthy part of the human sexual instinct. Christianity has always taught otherwise. But is there any proof that the Christian message on this topic contains any validity or relevance for our sexually saturated culture?
—Leadership University Editor/Webmaster, Byron Barlowe
Pornography The Center for Reclaiming America This is a chapter from a larger work entitled "Issues Tearing Our Nation's Fabric." It gives a broad overview of the problems associated with pornography.
Cyberporn Kerby Anderson Here is general information about Internet pornography and what can be done about it.
Free From Sexual Addiction Steve Gallagher A testimony about sexual problems and addiction.
Hard Truths About the Culture War Robert Bork Several issues, including pornography, are discussed in terms of the war on culture.
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