Zionist Jews, some secular and some religious, lay claim to either the political right to the current state of Israel or, alternately, the Biblical promise and mandate to possess all of historical Palestine and beyond. Christians divide along several lines, including those:
Few other causes polarize and inflame like this one. Israel compares its military actions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (areas Israel conquered during the 1967 War) to America's War on Terrorism, recalling the Arab refusal to honor the UN Partition Plan of 1947 and immediate attack on the day-old state of Israel. Palestinian militant groups view so-called suicide bombings as necessary to secure freedom for their long-displaced people. The world looks on, parts of which show increasing anti-Semitism, especially Western Europe. American Christians call on President Bush to denounce the rising anti-Semitic sentiments (see link in list below).
How is a layperson to understand the issues, given the plethora of perspectives: secular Jewish Zionist, scriptural Jewish Zionist, Christian Dual-Covenant Zionist, Christian Zionist (not Dual-Covenant), Palestinian Christian (tolerant of Jewish right to land or otherwise), anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic, etc.? A brief, biblical-evangelical (but balanced within that category) viewpoint on the convoluted issues follows in our Special Focus. You will also find a Jewish Zionist perspective, along with some requisite history and resources for further research from various viewpoints.
—Byron Barlowe, Editor/Webmaster, Leadership University
Engaging Israel's Disengagement—NEW Jill Nelson Provides a useful basic primer on three basic viewpoints of the evangelical Protestant Church regarding Israel's role and right to the Palestinian land now that settlers from Gaza and the West Bank are being relocated. Mainline denominations, dispensationalists and reformed traditions vary from liberation theology to nearly unqualified pro-Israel to a qualified view of Israel that makes allowance for Palestinian autonomy.
Land Divine? John Piper How should bible-believing Christians align themselves in the Jewish-Palestinian conflict? There are biblical reasons for treating both sides with compassionate public justice in the same way that disputes should be settled between nations generally. In other words, the Bible does not teach us to be partial today to Israel or to the Palestinians because either has a special divine status. Israel has a unique place in God's plans, but this status does not warrant a claim, at the present time, to divine prerogatives. Note: from a covenant theological position.
Five Key Biblical Arguments for Israel's Right to the Land John S. Kanter Kanter, a Messianic Jew and traveling speaker, outlines well-footnoted reasons for the Biblical claim to the land traditionally known as Palestine. His views are based in dispensationalist theology and highlight the eternal (or unconditional) covenant that the God of Israel made with Abraham and his descendents.
The Zionist Imperative Emil L. Fackenheim A Jewish Zionist perspective: Fackenheim, by stepping through the mid-Twentieth Century history of the Jews, argues for the reasonableness--actually the inevitability, if they were to survive--of a Jewish homeland, given the persecution and shunning of a homeless people.
The Untold Story Jamie Cowen The author discusses the role of Christian Zionists in the establishment of modern-day Israel.
Israel's History Written in Advance Robert C. Newman, condensed by Rich Milne In the Old Testament, God made many predictions about nations and cities and their fate. With remarkable accuracy, archeology shows that in every case, what God predicted would happen even hundreds of years later, came to pass. That the Jews still exist is an amazing testimony to God's faithfulness even as He judged the nations around them.
Who is 'Israel' and What is Her Future? Jonathan Went The author discusses the issue of what, biblically, is meant by the term 'Israel,' and what God has planned for the future of the Jewish nation.
Remnant Theology: A Different Perspective on Israel and the Church John Gay Through the centuries there have been two predominant concepts concerning the relationship between Israel and the Church. Is it possible that both of these popular positions have been somewhat in error? Is there a middle ground of truth?
News From Israel Web site of David Dolan, "Broadcast Journalist, Popular Speaker, Author" CBS radio correspondent and resident of Israel since 1980, Dolan's experience covering the Middle East is vast. See the link to Monthly News Digest on his homepage.
Dual-Covenant Christian Zionism Perspective: http://www.icej.org/about/about_doctrines.html Christian Zionism International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
Christian Zionism Web site: christianactionforisrael.org/ronning.html THE LAND OF ISRAEL - A Christian Zionist View By Halvor Ronning, Board Member of the ICEJ
"Anti-Zionism" Perspective: christianactionforisrael.org/notreal.html Christian Zionism Web site Arab Press: Christian Zionists Aren't Real Christians Christian Zionist site synopsizes and responds to anti-Zionist comments by Fr. Atallah Hanna, official spokesman of the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem.
Pro-Palestinian Perspective: www.merip.org/new_uprising_primer/primer_intro.html The Middle Eastern Research and Information Project MERIP Primer on the Uprising in Palestine
Go here to see our past Special Focus features.