My mother is a Christian, and I heard a lot about Jesus Christ since I was a child. But I had never become a Christian and I never wanted to be a Christian. I didn't think I needed Christ.
When I came to the United States, at first I spent all of my time studying or sleeping. I felt empty and depressed. I felt a lot of pressure from studying, and it was not easy to communicate in English. I didn't know what to do. It was awful.
Then one day a friend in my speech class invited me to a social. I didn't think of it again. The night of the social I ate dinner with my friends, then went to the International House to pick up some other friends and go to the local shopping mall to look around. At the International House we met a girl who was inviting people to go with her to the international social. We thought, "Why not?" and went. This small decision changed my entire life.
I was very impressed with the program, especially the speaker who talked about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I met a lot of people that night. We talked with each other and that made me feel very warm and welcome. My attitudes toward Christianity began to change.
After the social, I attended a Bible study. I also met with an American every week and began to read the Bible. He shared with me how I could know God and told me about God's love for me. I learned what it really meant to be a Christian. I asked Christ into my heart and grew a lot in my Christian life.
My life has changed a lot. I now have a love for people and a desire to help people by relying on God's power to love them. Before it was an inconvenience to help them. I'm not as proud as before, and my life is full, not empty. God changed my life.
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