
Kerby Anderson
Discusses forms of gambling and looks at social and economic costs to legalized gambling. Provides a biblical perspective on gambling.
Issues Tearing Our Nation's Fabric
Chapter 8 of "Issues Tearing Our Nation's Fabric", exploring 25 key issues dividing the nation of America.
The Games We Play
Jerry Solomon
Game-playing and competition can and should be seen as a healthy part of a life that seeks to glorify God in all things. This essay covers the following topics: Games and a Christian World View; A Brief History of Games; Games and the New Testament; Contemporary Views of Games; and Christians in a Competitive World.
Leisure and Jesus' Rest: Making the Connection
Dr. Bertha Cato
This author postulates a parallel between two seemingly unrelated variables: Leisure and Jesus? rest. Afterwards, she offers a paradigm for integration. In the establishment of this position, the author shares two experiences in which Jesus has used this idea of leisure personally to teach her fundamental truths regarding His rest.
Marshall McLuhan: "The Medium is the Message"
Marshall McLuhan is considered the first father and leading prophet of the electronic age. This article looks at his work of understanding the effects of technology as it related to popular culture, and how this in turn affected human beings and their relations with one another.
Sports and Character
Leadership University Special Focus
The initiation of football season carries with it many emotions, particularly excitement. However, recent scandals have dimmed the enthusiasm for this and other sports. The underlying issue of character fuels debate about the place of morality in the lives of highly competitive sportsmen. We have put together this special focus to consider character with regard to sports in particular, as well as life in general.
Time and Busyness
Kerby Anderson
Looks at the time crunch people face in the 1990's. Documents its effects on us and our families.